Four Tips for Designing a Menu that Impresses Your Customers


The menu at your restaurant can have a profound effect on your customers. When they enter your place of business and sit down, the first thing that they are going to reach for is the menu. This is where you have an opportunity to capture their attention.

If you have a well-designed menu, you will be able to pique the interest of your customers. You can work on the design of the menu and make it unique so that it can impress your customers. There are a number of things you can do to achieve your goal, some of which will be discussed below. 

1. Incorporate Distinctive Items

Your menu can give your customers an idea of what they will be getting for their money. If your menu is not interesting enough, a customer can walk out of your restaurant even before a server visits them. To make sure that this does not happen, you need to make your menu stand out.

You can highlight the specialty items that you use in your recipes to give your customers an idea of what is in store for them. For example, you can highlight the fact that you use kaiser buns for your burgers to entice the appetite of your customers. 

2. Pay Attention to the Design

You can use the design of your menu to your advantage. When it comes time to design the menu for your restaurant, you can pick a design language that speaks to your customers. You can do things like adding pictures of the specialty items that you use to make it more appealing.

The layout of your menu should be unique but easy to navigate. You should make an effort to keep things in order and mention the details of every dish on the menu. Your menu should follow a sequence; it should start with starters and end with desserts. 

3. Add Quirks and Features 

To make the experience of your restaurant unique, you can use the menu. There is room for you to add quirks and features to the menu to make it unique. You can do things like making a three-dimensional design for your menu to make it more attractive.

You can add design features to the menu cars to make them feel more premium. Similarly, you can mention interesting tidbits about your restaurant and your process to keep the customers interested. 

4. Provide Ingredient Details

The hallmark of a good menu is that it mentions the details of the dishes that you serve. This can give you an edge over the competition. You can mention the ingredients that you use under each dish to better inform your customers. 

Doing this will have the added effect of avoiding any liabilities. By mentioning the ingredients, you can inform your customers about the potential for allergic reactions. If a customer is allergic to an ingredient, they can avoid that dish, or they can have it removed. 

You will be doing yourself and your customers a favour by providing a list of the ingredients.