7 Common Drainage Problems and How to Solve Them


Almost every homeowner has to deal with a drainage problem in their yard at some point. There could be many reasons for it like many rain events in the season or when there is not enough pitch to your yard to effectively route the water away from the house. 

Fortunately, there are solutions to every problem. Easier problems can be handled by homeowners while complex issues can be effectively solved by professional plumbers.

Here are some common drainage problems and what you can do to tackle them. 

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Identifying the Drainage Problem

Before you can implement any solutions, it’s crucial to identify the specific drainage problem you’re facing. Some common issues include poor grading, water pooling, gutter and downspout problems, and inadequate drainage systems. 

By pinpointing the root cause, you can implement targeted solutions. The best way to avoid drainage problems is to install a good quality septic tank for property waste treatment.

Proper Grading

One of the most fundamental aspects of drainage is proper grading. The land surrounding your property should slope away from the foundation to prevent water from pooling near your home. 

To address this issue, consider regrading the area to ensure water flows away from your property, using a slope of at least one inch per foot for optimal drainage.

Installing French Drains

French drains are effective solutions for handling excess water and preventing waterlogging in specific areas of your yard. These drains consist of a trench filled with gravel or rock, which allows water to percolate and flow away from the problem area.

By strategically placing French drains, you can redirect water to a more suitable location.

Downspout and Gutter Maintenance

Clogged or misaligned gutters and downspouts can cause water to overflow, leading to water damage and poor drainage. Regularly inspect and clean your gutters and downspouts, removing any debris that may obstruct the flow of water. 

Additionally, ensure that downspouts extend at least five feet away from your home’s foundation to direct water away effectively.

Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels

Implementing rain gardens and rain barrels can serve as eco-friendly solutions to drainage problems. A rain garden is a landscaped area that collects and filters rainwater, allowing it to slowly infiltrate into the ground. 

Rain barrels capture and store rainwater from downspouts, reducing the amount of water that enters the drainage system. These measures help to mitigate runoff and alleviate drainage issues.

Sump Pump Installation

For properties with recurring basement flooding or high-water tables, installing a sump pump can be a valuable investment. A sump pump removes excess water from the lower levels of your home and redirects it away from the foundation. 

Consult a professional to determine the appropriate type and size of sump pump for your specific needs.

Soil Amendments

In some cases, the soil composition itself can contribute to poor drainage. Soil with high clay content, for example, tends to retain water and may cause water to pool on the surface. Incorporating organic matter, such as compost or peat moss, can improve soil structure and drainage capabilities.

Loosening compacted soil can also help promote better water absorption.

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