Activities for Bakers to Do After Work

Bakers to Do After Work

If you love baking but feel as if you are always at work, you might not have enough time to do all of the baking that you want to do. However, this does not mean that you have to put your passion for baking aside during the working week. Instead, here is a list of activities that bakers can enjoy after work.

1.    Decorating Cookies

Although you might think that having fun while you bake is only for children, decorating the treats that you make can be an easy and therapeutic task to enjoy after work that can help you to relieve your body of all of the tension that it has built up during the day. You may even decide to pre-bake the treats that you are going to decorate on your days off if you do not have a lot of time to bake during the week. As such, if you are planning to spend your weekday evenings decorating your creations, you should consider investing in Thanksgiving stencils for cookies to get you started this season.

2.    Make a Mug Cake

If you do not want to abandon baking completely during the working week, you might consider making a mug cake in your microwave. These quick cakes take all of five minutes to make and only use a few ingredients. Not only this, but you will not have to clean up masses of plates and mixing bowls after you have made the cake in question. As such, for a casual after-work treat, you should look at recipes for mug cakes that you can make any time you want.

3.    Prepare for Your Weekend Bakes

Are you planning to get stuck into your next bake straight away once the weekend arrives? If this is the case, you should consider gearing up for your weekend bakes during the week. For instance, you might consider shopping for all of the ingredients that you need and measuring them out, placing them in plastic containers until you are ready to cook. You could also defrost any ingredients that you need that are already in your freezer and consider making any buttercream and sauces that you will need to go with the bake that you have in mind.

4.    Read a Recipe Book

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of baking, even if you are too tired to start cooking the creation that you have in mind, you should consider reading a recipe book in your spare time after work. This will then help to inspire your weekend bakes and can be a great way to relax for those that are passionate about food. You might even decide to watch a cookery show on television, look up YouTube videos about cooking, or search for reviews of local bakeries and restaurants to decide which one you should visit next. If you are feeling social, you could even decide to spend time with a friend in one of these businesses once the working day is done without waiting for the weekend to arrive.