Best Scientific Study Tips That Can Make You Smarter

Scientific Study Tips

Many students face the issue of studying harder and longer to attain good grades but still fail. You should either study longer or study smarter to improve your studying outcomes. School and college students can relate to the fact that there is too much coursework and assignments to deal with. And students often deal with other activities at college without losing grades in their assignments. All this sounds too much. Why not study smarter than studying longer and attain good grades? This article discusses the best scientific study tips that can make you smarter. If you want to cover twice as much syllabus in half the amount of time, you need to learn these scientific study tips to make you smarter.

What Are Scientific Study Tips?

Scientific study tips mean that you use certain tips for studying that are scientifically proven and backed by evidence. You can use these scientific study tips to help you study smart and within a short period. Everybody has a study tip to tell, but what does science say about studying? Check out these scientific study tips below shared by experts of dissertation proposal writing services to help you study in a smart way.

Best Scientific Study Tips That Can Make You Smarter

Study in Chunks using Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a scientific study tip that says you should space your studies and divide them into sessions. According to this technique, you should study for 25 minutes, take a five-minute break, and continue this process over three cycles. To determine your perfect time of studying, you need to start reading a book and the instant you start feeling tired, stop the timer. That is the perfect portion that tells you how much time you can stick to a topic and study well before taking a break. When studying, you may employ this method by dividing a topic into smaller portions. Work on remembering each section as a separate group.

Highlight The Main Points

Searching for important details as you read keeps you interested in the topic. It can help prevent your thoughts from straying while reading. Marking or highlighting relevant facts as you come across them is another scientific study tip. Making notes along the boundaries of the content is also useful. You can also use sticky notes to jot down chunks of information. When studying for an exam, start by going over your highlighted parts and the notes you took.

Follow the SQ3R Framework.

Using this framework as another scientific study tip helps to: skim through the topic, question yourself, read, recite, and review what you read.

20% Read and 80% Recite the Concept

The 80/20 rule or the Pareto Principle argues that 80 per cent of your inputs result in 20% of the outcomes. It indicates that 80% of your study book provides you with 20% of your information and insights. Also, 20% of your book provides 80% of your information. You should cover 20% of your study topic by reading it, but you should spend 80% of the content summarizing it. Reciting what you read means you summarise and reflect on what you learned.

The THIEVES Method

It is yet another scientific study tip that you can use to help you study smart. Read the title of your study material, look through the headings and skim-read the introduction. Then, focus every first sentence of the topic and the visuals in bold. Next, review the questions at the end and read the summary of the topic.


One effective method for retaining information is to repeat it in your own words. Creating a summary is useful, and you can organize it in paragraphs or pointers. Your summary should not cover every aspect of the topic but only the main concepts. Consider using different colours for different topics, which can help recall information better. You might use coloured pens or highlighters to stress your words. In the end, you should recite what you wrote in a loud voice so that you can recall your knowledge as a good scientific study tip.

Make flashcards

Create flashcards with a catchphrase on one side and significant information or description of the topic on the flip side for an easy way to test yourself. Making a list of the cards can help you recall. Taking quizzes on the cards will help solidify your learning. The benefit of flashcards is that they are portable. Put them in your bag and take them out anytime you have a spare minute. Itis an excellent method to supplement your normal study sessions with additional practice time.

Associations Can Help Recall.

Often your brain may benefit from an additional hand to help you retain the stuff you are studying. Making up hypothetical visuals, making word puzzles, or engaging in other mental activities help you recall information. Consider a mnemonic combination to learn and recall a hard topic just the way you used ROYGBIV to remember the colours of the rainbow. You can link the new knowledge and what you already know by drawing a picture. Visualize the knowledge you learned with a web-style mind map.

Study Like a Teacher

You can only impart knowledge when you can grasp it yourself. When you try to learn anything new, you should ask yourself how you would teach it to someone? Struggling with this thought will help you better grasp the subject. You may even get help from a friend, close relative, or peers to pay heed to your lessons. Reciting your lessons aloud to someone else helps you remember the details and main points. It is one of the effective scientific study tips to study smart.

Have a Good Sleep

In the end, mental and physical health are interconnected, so have a good sleep and exercise to keep yourself fit. After all, health comes first, and you can only study well if you are healthy.


These are some of the best scientific study tips to make you smarter. Suppose you prepare yourself by reading and reflecting on a lot of reading material. In that case, you can learn the habit of studying. Using these scientific study tips will help you do better in your exams and future career.