How to Take Care of Your Wood Furniture 

Wood Furniture

Quality and durable wood furniture can often last a lifetime and is often a treasured heirloom which can be passed down several generations. Still, even the highest quality wood furniture is susceptible to damage and scratches if not taken care of properly. 

It is best to ask for specific cleaning instructions when you go out to buy new furniture. There are many tasks like dusting, painting and home pest control you can do to maintain the furniture in top condition. 

Here are the best tips to ensure that your wood furniture looks like new for many years to come. 

Avoid Environmental Damage

Make sure to keep your furniture away from sunlight, heat, and from other environmental factors. Otherwise, it can wreak havoc on your expensive furniture. 

Avoid placing your valuable furniture in front of uncovered windows, fireplaces and vents. Excess light and heat can damage and fade the wood. 

Wipe the Dust Off

You should regularly dust the furniture to take care of it. Since airborne particles can build a firm layer on wood that attaches to the furniture surface, frequent dusting can help avoid the buildup from happening.

To wipe the dust off, use a soft cloth like cotton T-shirts and microfiber to avoid damage. You can use lambswool dusters to clean ornate carvings and hard-to-clean surfaces as these actively attract dust.

Protect the Wood

Make use of products that protect the wood and make it fit for the long term. Most commercial sprays and polishes contain silicone oil or petroleum distillates for a fresh and shiny look. It also offers more protection for the furniture. 

You have to ensure to avoid using too much product as it can cause buildup that combines with dirt. It gives off a dull and sticky film that accumulates on the furniture’s surface. Avoid using these products with a wax protectant as the combination can result in another sticky mess. 

Treat Wear and Tear 

Even with the best care, wood furniture can sustain injuries especially during shifting homes. For this, you can use liquid polish to hide abrasions and restore the wood.

If the damage cannot be recovered by the polishes, you need to choose another route. Paint the damaged piece of furniture and make it last for more years. 

Pest Control

Keep your wood furniture safe from pests like termites. These termites can penetrate deep into the furniture and eat into the wood. You can prevent a termite attack by getting periodic pest control done at least once or twice a year.

Another option is to purchase anti-termite chemicals from the market and apply it to the infected furniture. But make sure to handle the chemicals carefully as they emit strong odors. 

Remove Stains 

Sometimes your precious wood furniture gets stained despite your efforts. No matter what is spilled on the furniture, clean it off as quickly as possible as if it sits longer, it will be harder to remove.

If your furniture has dark spots on it from water damage then gently blot the stain with a cloth stained in vinegar.